10 Easy Ways to Get More Subscribers on YouTube

There’s no denying it; video marketing has been on the rise over the past few years, growing ever more popular and accessible for brands. And while popular sites such as SnapChat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even your own website are great places to invest, YouTube remains the giant in the space, with individuals spending a billion hours each day watching videos on this platform.

According to a recent HubSpot survey, 54% of consumers say they prefer to see video from businesses they use over other types of content.

Often referred to as the world’s “second largest search engine,” YouTube can help your content be found quickly and engaged with thoroughly – if you know a few tricks. Here are 10 effective ways you can grow your YouTube channel.

1. Find Your Subscriber Magnet

A subscriber magnet is a video that has significantly outperformed the other content that you’ve published. Access your YouTube Analytics report by clicking on ‘Subscribers’ and ‘YouTube Watch Page’ to determine which video has performed the best. Your subscriber magnet has proven to get your channel more subscribers so it’s time to promote it. Insert it into your video’s End Screen, put it as the first video on a playlist, and promote it on your other social media channels to drive traffic to your video and get more subscribers. 

2. Invest in Custom Thumbnails

The thumbnails on your YouTube videos are one of the first impressions that potential viewers have of your channel. By investing in custom, professionally-designed thumbnails, you’ll be able to put your best foot forward every time. Adding custom thumbnails to your videos helps to establish your brand’s authority on the video platform and encourages people to subscribe to your channel because they know that you’re someone that is invested in the success of your channel. 

3. Create Actionable Playlists

While the majority of playlists are organized by topic on YouTube, organizing your playlist by outcome can help grow your channel. By titling your playlist with an outcome instead of a topic, people will be more likely to watch your videos and subscribe to your channel because you’re presenting the value of your content to them directly. For example, instead of titling your playlist “YouTube Videos”, title it “How to Grow Your YouTube Channel” instead. 

4. Make the Most of Your End Screen

By including ten seconds of time at the end of your video for your End Screen, you’ll be able to add links to related videos and call on your viewers to subscribe to your channel. The more of your videos that someone watches, the more likely they are to subscribe; so why not invite them to continue enjoying your content by providing a direct link to another video at the end of the one that they’re watching?

5. Add a Branding Watermark/ Subscribe Button to Your Videos

This is one of the best ways to get more subscribers on your YouTube channel. As you may know, you’re able to include a branding watermark on your videos. This watermark allows viewers to subscribe to your channel while watching your video. However, instead of using your company’s watermark, insert a ‘Subscribe’ button that looks like one that viewers would see on YouTube. This trick is known to generate up to 70% more subscribers than using a traditional watermark. 

6. Publish Longer Videos

It’s been proven that longer videos rank better in YouTube’s search results. The average video on YouTube is just under 15 minutes in length, leading to longer videos consistently outperforming shorter videos in search rankings. We recommend publishing videos that are at least 10 minutes in length to improve your search rankings. The more that people that are exposed to your content, the more people will subscribe to your YouTube channel. 

7. Host a Giveaway 

A giveaway is one of the quickest ways to get more subscribers on YouTube. By offering your viewers a prize, whether it’s a product, service, or e-book, you’re enticing them into engaging with your channel. Tell your viewers that in order to enter your giveaway, they must be subscribed to your channel. Not only is this a loaded call-to-action, but it will almost guarantee a quick uptick in your subscriber count. 

8. Reply to Every Comment

Replying to comments on your channel is one of the easiest ways to get subscribers on YouTube. By taking the time to interact with your audience, you’re encouraging active participation from your viewers which ultimately results in a larger fanbase. Most YouTubers don’t reply to comments on their videos which is why you’ll instantly stand out once you start communicating with your audience. 

9. Write an Engaging Channel Description

When it comes to your video’s SEO, your channel description plays a huge role in the success of your YouTube page. By informing potential subscribers of what your channel is about, when they can expect you to upload new videos, and including a strong call to subscribe, you’ll be able to convert a casual browser to a loyal subscriber in no time. 

10. End Every Video with a Call-to-Action

When someone gets to the end of your video, they’re often thinking, “What’s next?” And unless you give them an answer to that question, they’ll start watching videos on another channel. Telling your viewers to like, comment, and subscribe is a simple and direct way to increase your subscriber count. Insert another video for them to watch on your End Screen and you’ll have more subscribers on YouTube in no time.

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